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oAoB oCoD oEoF oGoH oIoJ oKoL oMoN oOoP oQoR oSoT oUoV oWoX oYoZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
SOMMER W +omega 22
TC +omega & globe 35
ULTIMA GREIGE yarn +omega 23
omeprazole OMED 5
OMS-20 omeprazole cap-20mg 5
omicron's KGCOL +lamp 16
omkar engineers & contracto 37
oml NAWAB +cooker & circle 21
ALCATEL omni touch 9
BIOMNIC omni operator +bear 28
omnivore CAPITAL +flower 36, 44
DIC omsai 9
omycin FRONTLINE +woman 5
on semiconductor +circle 9
on the rocks +squares 42
on top 30
on-floxa 5
24 ONLINE internet on cable 9
A AIOL all india on-line 42
A1 RELIANCE on the spot 42
ABHAY SHOPPE vaccine on cal 42
AGGARWAL +goddess on lotus 30
ANNE FRENCH roll-on aloever 3
AUTO plus ads on wheels 35
AWAACS always on the path 25
BANDUKWALA +birds on branch 13
BAYTICOL pour on 5
BEANSTALK play on 3, 5, 16, 18, 25, 41, 42, 43, 44
BEARS' BEAR +brar on ball 34
BHAVANI +godess on tiger 3
BILT ten on ten +pencil 16
BINDAL TOYS +boys on globe 28
BOBSU +man on cycle 7
BODEN HOLZ nature on floors 19
C CADDRITE focus on success 16
CADDRITE focus on success 16
CHOWDHURY +bird on globe 24
COAT BRAND +coat on hanger 7
COT'N its caught on 25
CTR HR on demand +circles 42
CURRY 2 GO +man on vehicle 43
CVP strike on box matches 34
CYCLE SAWAR +man on cycle 7
DEBT on net 9, 16
DERBY +man on horse 3
DOLLAR +man on horse 29
DOP drugs on phone +oval 44
DURGA BRAND +godess on lion 6
DURGA TOKA +godess on tiger 7
DURGA brand +godess on tige 8
EAGLE +bird on globe 12, 30
EAGLE BLUE +bird on globe 3
EAGLE BRAND +eagle on globe 30
EAGLE BRAND +eagle on shiel 26
EAGLE SIECO +eagle on globe 13
EAGLE foam +eagle on globe 27
ECONOMIC TIMES on the web 16
FAIR on 5
FARLEYS follow-on milk 29
FLOSIL-rely on us 25
GAJLAXMI BRAND +god on lotu 30
GATEWAY hotel on banjara 30, 32
GATEWAY hotel on residency 29, 30, 32, 33
GEMINI +boys on lotus 34
GITAA granth on television 41
GODIVA +man on horse 7
GOLDSHIELD garlic on a day 5
GOURI chhap +godess on cow 34
GRAB on grips 7
HOP health on phone 16
JUGNU CHHAP +bird on globe 1
K +panda on skateboard 35
KANDOS on & on 30
KANDOS on & on 30
KAVERI SILKS +god on lotus 24
KERBO TOTA +bird on twig 7
KING +man on horse 21
LAKSHMI +goddess on lotus 31
LAXMI +godess on lotus 30
LEE-on 25
MAA DANTE'S heart on +flowe 5
MACTRON life is on +arcs 9
MAJLIS (roll on perfumes) 3
MAK ESS on the net +oval 9, 16
MERRI on 42
MOTIMMO pearls on the move 14
MUPHORIA high on math 41, 42
N.C. +lady on globe 34
NAGAR CHHAP +farmer on fiel 34
NARAYANA MARKA +god on lotu 19
NI NEWS india on punjab tv 41
NIRMAL-on 20
NQ course on nutrition 45
PALACE GUARD +man on horse 33
POLAROID on-the-spot 9
PRABHAT +lady on lotus & su 30
PRABHAT +man on horse cart 2
RADIO m turn it on 16
RAJKAMAL +lady on lotus 3, 23
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